A blog on theology, mystery, and paradox.
Recent years have given rise to "inclusive orthodoxy," and an increased awareness of the existence of progressive people of Faith; however, the intersection of diverse and seemingly contradictory ideologies and values as a point of human fascination and speculation is not a new phenomenon. Often relegated to the obscurity of marginal spaces, typically beyond the radar of the general public, communities of Faith dedicated to causes frequently considered progressive have existed at great length, as well as in great number and with great depth.
The phrase “oil and water” evokes not only the common metaphor of the apparent separation of two differing substances, but also two of the most important physical elements utilized in the Sacraments of the Christian Church.In the spirit of inclusivity, equity, and justice, “Oil & Water: Orthodoxy in Progress” exists for the exploration and proclamation of the harmony intrinsic to the commonly misunderstood intersection of the orthodox catholic doctrines of Christianity and the fundamental principles of progressive and inclusive ideologies.
(For more, see "Why 'Oil and Water'?")
Nicholas Heide (he/him)

I hold a Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and a B.A. in Theological and Historical Studies with a concentration in Church History from Oral Roberts University, and have completed additional studies abroad at Jerusalem University College. As a seminarian, I was ordained to the minor clerical order of Subdeacon under the omophor of the apostolic jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch and All the East.
I am an out and proud gay Anglo-Catholic, hopeful universalist, idealistic leftist, and a member of The Episcopal Church.